So much so, in fact, that players continue to make new mods for the games, some of which can completely change and transform the settings and characters. Updated January 5, 2022, by Tom Bowen: Despite several years having now passed since the release of Shadow of the Tomb Raider, Crystal Dynamics' excellent reboot trilogy remains incredibly popular with fans today. Some of them are skin mods, and others are visual enhancements, which begs the question, "How many of these mods are a must-try?" This support is the reason people are always coming up with creative add-ons for Tomb Raider games even years after the release. The popularity of Tomb Raider and fan support has always made it one of the most famous points of discussion among the gaming community. The series has spawned many sequels like Rise Of The Tomb Raider as well as inspired other original games like Uncharted. The original Tomb Raider games play a huge part in the rise of puzzle-based action-adventure video games. Please don't flair text posts as 'Self-submission'.Tomb Raider is probably the most famous treasure hunting explorer in video games. 'Self-submission' flair: This flair is reserved for artwork or videos created by you.This subreddit is for all eras of the fandom, gatekeeping will not be tolerated.Moderators can remove posts and comments at their discretion.

Games, Movies, Comics, Animated shows, mobile games & everything related to Lara Croft and Tomb Raider

Welcome to the Tomb Raider Subreddit where we discuss everything related to Tomb Raider starring Lara Croft - from her adventures in video-games to her expeditions in movies or perhaps expedition in comics and novels and stories in animated shows, this is the place to discuss the Tomb Raider franchise!